
Systems of forms in many variables. (, improved version in preparation, see my HCM lectures for details, slides)

A two dimensional version of the delta symbol method, with ; and (in preparation, slides)

A question about points on an elliptic curve with prime denominator. (, , edited version of an open question to the problem session of JA2023, communicated there by Michel Waldschmidt)

Additive problems with almost prime squares, with ; ; and , Geom. Funct. Anal. (, , slides)

The elliptic sieve and Brauer groups, with ; ; and , Proc. London Math. Soc., 126:1884-1922 (, , video version, slides)

Bounds for spectral projectors on generic tori, with , Math. Annalen (, , slides)

Bounds for spectral projectors on the Euclidean cylinder, with , Comptes Rendus Math., 360:1257-1262 (, )

Strichartz estimates for the Schroedinger equation on non-rectangular two-dimensional tori, with ; ; and , Amer. J. Math., 144(3)701-745 (, , fulltext)

Bounds for spectral projectors on tori, with , Forum Math. Sigma, 10:e24 (, )

Systems of cubic forms in many variables. J. Reine Agnew. Math. (Crelles Journal), 2019(757)309-328 (, )

Quadratic forms and systems of forms in many variables. Invent. math., 213:205-235 (, )

Systems of many forms. DPhil thesis, University of Oxford (, )

Real and rational systems of forms. Oberwolfach Rep., 13(4)3013-3014 (, , fulltext)

Research students